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The Chamber's Legislative Commitment

As a prominent voice in the region, The Bronx Chamber of Commerce plays a pivotal role in influencing public policy and advocating for legislative initiatives that promote economic growth, job creation, and sustainable prosperity.

Our mission is to champion the concerns and priorities of our member businesses, ensuring their voices are heard by policymakers at all levels of government. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, we aim to shape policies that foster a conducive business environment, promote innovation, and drive competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Guide to Understanding Legislation

Our guiding legislative principals . . .


We serve as a unified platform for diverse businesses, reflecting their collective interests and concerns in front of lawmakers. By cultivating a strong network, we amplify the impact of our advocacy efforts and bring the business community together.

Informed Policy Development:

Our chamber diligently researches and analyzes proposed legislation and regulatory measures to assess their potential impact on our members and the community at large. This comprehensive understanding allows us to develop well-informed positions and advocate for policies that drive economic growth while safeguarding business interests.


We engage in constructive dialogue with policymakers, government officials, and other stakeholders to build bridges of understanding and collaboration. By fostering relationships, we seek to find common ground and develop solutions that serve the best interests of the business community and the public.

Education and Outreach:

The chamber actively educates its members on legislative matters that affect their industries and livelihoods. We offer workshops, webinars, and resources that empower businesses to stay informed and actively participate in the advocacy process.

Non-Partisan Approach:

We maintain a non-partisan stance, working with policymakers from across the political spectrum to champion policies that drive economic prosperity and benefit our members without favoring any specific political party.

Legislative Updates

Laws are in a constant state of drafting, creation, and enactment, making them challenging to monitor. However, you can rely on the support of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Explore our comprehensive compilation of recent legislations that have an impact on both our Bronx Community and Small Business Owners.

City Legislative Updates

Contact the legislators responsible for these Bills and let them know how it will affect your business and its ability to create jobs and advance economic development!

NYC Council Member Contact Information

List of Services

Access to Bronx Chamber Legislative Committee Meeting Minutes is only available to Chamber Members.

Click Here For Meeting Minutes

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